Principles and Ethics

  • Adheres of ethics is one of the pillars of success and civilization aspects
  • The staff in the charitable sector are the first to abide by this ethics as it elevates them and makes them more efficient and, elaborate and dedication
  • Hence the need to build a moral code for the staff that guides their behavior and demonstrate them on the best moral and professional way in their human sector

Goals of the Charter

  • Define the ethical foundations and principles of professional practices in charitable work
  • Directing the behavior of workers
  • Motivating workers to commit to the right ethics and cooperating in implementation
  • Promote positive practices in charitable sector and improve or correct anything else
  • Establish ethics presence in the culture of the charity organization

Charter General Principles

Contribute to community development
Separating personal interests from the work
Preserving rights, equity and fairness in say and act

Achieving the development vision for individual and society and loyalty to sacrifice for the benefit of the beneficiary

Obliged to what it should be work with full commitment to regulation
Doing business and tasks as precisely as possible, taking into account professional principles and scientific competence
Appreciate all parties without prejudices to the work and regulations

concerted Efforts and mutual cooperation

Ethics related to Profession Aspects

  • Respecting the regulations, rules and contracts concluded with the foundation
  • Commitment to the contract, charters, agreements and requirements between the foundation and other organizations while contracting or collaborating, or providing services
  • Improve and develop the level of the service and measure the satisfaction of beneficiaries and stakeholders
  • Avoid racial or factional discrimination when providing services
  • Preparing reports with honesty and without misleading
  • Avoiding any deception, misinformation, or obtaining private interest

Ethics related to Financial Aspects

  • Maintain the foundation asset’s, properties and public and private resources and protect them from neglect.
  • Disclose of financial information and data in documented, systematic manner, whenever requested from the donor or from the relevant government department.
  • Disbursing the donations according to the conditions and desires of the donors as per the compatible systems
  • Avoid getting involved in any form of financial corruption or money laundering
  • Maintain all financial documents that preserve the rights of the foundation and workers

Employees Ethics with Beneficiaries

  • Provide the service needed by the beneficiary with the best means and possible practices
  • Facilitate the provision of the Service to the beneficiary without complications
  • Maintain the dignity of the beneficiary and avoid any behavior that might harm him/ her sensually or morally
  • Permission is required from the beneficiary in case of media publishing and taking in consideration the image ethics during the documentation and social research ethics while studying the beneficiary case
  • Take the initiative to search for the poor people in order to provide them with required aid
  • Justice with the beneficiary without any discrimination
  • Immediate response to crisis, disasters, and people in urgent need and bear the associated pressure of work

 Text of Charter

Due to the charitable sector that has well established in our culture and clear impact in our society, and in light of the global trend in social development for needy categories, and as a worker in this sector, I am sincerely tried to abide by local laws and regulations, and deal with all employees and stakeholders, managers, beneficiaries and partners with honesty, transparency, and commitment.
And to do my best and effort to perform my work professionally and efficiently, and to cooperate with the team and colleagues in everything that serves the business and its goals, and to refrain from any behavior that might harm me or the organization or its employees.
And avoid any negative behavior that may affect my financial and professional performance, committed to all principles, values, and ethics contained in the charter